It’s Kind of a Funny Story | Book Recommendation

It’s Kind of a Funny Story is a young adult fiction book about a young teenager who is battling with anxiety, depression and bulimia. Written by Ned Vizzini, this book pursues a very cheerful atmosphere inside a dark setting.


Ambitious New York City teenager Craig Gilner is determined to succeed at life – which means getting into the right high school to get into the right job. But once Craig aces his way into Manhattan’s Executive Pre-Professional High School, the pressure becomes unbearable. He stops eating and sleeping until, one night, he nearly kills himself.

Craig’s suicidal episode gets him checked into a mental hospital, where his new neighbors include a transsexual sex addict, a girl who has scarred her own face with scissors, and the self-elected President Armelio. There, Craig is finally able to confront the sources of his anxiety.

Ned Vizzini, who himself spent time in a psychiatric hospital, has created a remarkably moving tale about the sometimes unexpected road to happiness.

The blurb is very straight forward and entices the reader in due to the fact that they constantly want to know what is going to happen and if Craig will be okay in the end.

I love the way the blurb also gives off a dark and dangerous vibe as I adore that genre of books.


All of the characters in this book are very interesting especially once you get to the part where he is in the mental hospital as everyone has their own stories to share and you want to figure out why they are in this place. Like the synopsis states, there are many weird and wonderful characters such as: President Armelio and

Not only that but, I think this book is also great for those who are seeking mental help but are terrified of being in a psychiatric hospital due to history, books and tv shows giving mental hospitals a really bad image. I think it is great to know that people are there for you, even if they have only known you for a couple of days or weeks etc. That’s another reason for why I really enjoyed reading ‘It’s Kind of a Funny Story’.

I hope you pick up this fantastic novel within the near future as it will surprise you, like it surprised me.


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